Saturday, December 13, 2014

On the Abrahamic Faiths Part III: Islam


Origin: Muhammad#Satan put the MAD in Muhammad

Islam (A.D. 629-The World Caliphate)



Islam began like most offshoots do: a man receives a revelation of the “true version” of an established faith with suspicious amounts of his own cultural elements/tenants and philosophy, threatens the authority of the majority and/or ruling class, and is forced into exile where he recruits a following of other discontents resulting in a cult following.  Unlike most offshoot religions, Islam calls for the total subjugation of humanity.  The true Word of Allah is not simply to be shared, but to rule the earth.   There is not a heavenly kingdom and an earthly kingdom, as is the case with other faiths.  Islam calls for a global theocracy and God will not return until the earth submits to the will of Allah.
That being said, Muslims generally follow the Christian method of world domination: via peaceful evangelism and “life preaching” (Showing God/Allah in your life by the pure and just life example you live.) I'd say that 80% of the Islamic world follow a peaceful faith.  Muhammad, and the Surah attributed to him, promotes both peace and armed conquest of the enemies of Allah, apparently which ever method “the faithful” find most effective.

You’ve probably heard Islam demonized by “Right-wing/Tea Party” types, and also been re-assured by American media sources, and President Obama, that Islam is not a harsh but rather, a gentle and just faith.  As a right-wing/evangelical Christian, I have known: kind and wonderful Muslims that would never persecute another of “God’s creations”, let alone those that they consider to be: “People of the book.” An interesting story of one such acquaintance was a young Muslim girl that I met in my Intro to Judaism course.  She was outgoing, friendly, and very intelligent.  While working on a project for class, we even went to the same Synagogue.  Such relationships are common in a global and largely pluralist society, but to help the reader to truly understand Islam and not any individual or sect, one must remove the thin veneer of civilization.

To truly understand Islam, you need to understand Old Testament scripture.  Islam, as a religion, is one of the most recent of all world religions, but culturally it is ancient.  Islam claims direct heritage and its legitimacy from Ishmael, the disenfranchised bastard son of Abraham.  They believe that the covenant with God rightfully passed back to them when the descendants of Isaac lost it, through disobedience, and this is VERY important.  Islam is so fascinating to me because it is a living time capsule from a bygone age. Islam is a political system, a philosophy, and a religion all rolled into one.

Islamic law, called "Sharia law" (Not followed by all Muslims, let alone Muslim nations) binds its adherents to an Old Testament lifestyle. The Ishmaelites of the Old Testament and the modern Bedouin tribes of the Arabian Peninsula could hardly be distinguished from one another today.  Judaism, however, has changed drastically from the Judaism described in the Bible. A rabbi from that era would have little in common with his modern equivalent.    Imagine if Joshua, the famous conqueror of Biblical Canaan, created his own religion. Now imagine that religion and his mission from God remained unfulfilled and unchanged.  What would that faith look like?  I think, it would look A LOT like Islam. 

 If you're unfamiliar with the story of Joshua, it's basically this: God calls Joshua to become Moses' successor.  God orders Joshua to retake the land that was promised to, and at one time possessed by Abraham.  Retake is perhaps an over simplification, God wanted complete annihilation of the enemies of Israel. Men, women, children, and animals were to be destroyed until only God's people remained. The terms we would use today would be: "Total war" and "Genocide."  Such horror is unfamiliar to most in the western world, and the horror of ancient hand to hand total war is something unfathomable to modern society, but it was fairly common practice in the ancient world. *They just called it WAR...
             Finally to gain some perspective on the topic, imagine Joshua's "Faithful" being transported into the future, and living in the modern world.  Now imagine that they are living in Canaan, sharing resources and working along side the Canaanites. Sure there would be many, we'll call them: "Joshuaites", that would be peaceful and more than willing to share the bounty and the comforts of Canaanite life.  In fact if you read Joshua, you'll find that is exactly what many, possibly half of the Israelites did, but... that was not God's will.  If such a scenario existed today, which group would you considered the true "Joshuites"?  Those that modernized or those that continued the mission and spirit of Joshua?

Now, without further ado:

As the story goes, Muhammad was sleeping in cave when the Angel Gabriel appeared before him.  The Angel first appeared as a loud disembodied voice, commanding Muhammad to “Recite!,” Muhammad was allegedly so afraid that he nearly threw himself off the mountain.  Gabriel then claimed himself to be “an Angel of God”, and ordered him to submit and tell “the truth” about the Gospel that had been corrupted by the Christians.  Muhammad agreed, and though he couldn’t read or write he relied on visions, usually accompanied by fits of seizure and fever.  While in this state he would recite God’s “true word”, and it was written by a scribe *possibly his wife, uncle, or other confidant.
o      Note: In Scripture, all Angelic messengers’ appearance is at first frightening, however when they speak, they say first: “Fear not” and their melodic voice fills those who hear with comfort.  God speaks to his people as his children. We serve God as our father, just as an earthly son would serve his earthly father, with mutual love and respect.  Submission is for slaves, who are ruled over by fear, and fear is not of God.  Had Muhammad been a Christian he would’ve had his guard up already, being in the wilderness and all. He also would have immediately recognized Satan’s shenanigans!

                Mecca was/is an important trade city on the southwest end of the Arabian Peninsula.  It was ruled over by several powerful tribes and maintained a precarious position between two of history’s most famous rivals, the Greco-Roman Empire and the Persian Empire.  Muhammad’s tribe and followers that lived in Mecca grew beyond the comfort level of the ruling tribal elders and He was exiled, but was able to raise enough support to destroy the rival powers.  After winning a number of battles, thanks to his capable general Abu Bakr, he marched into Mecca virtually unopposed.  He destroyed the idols, each of which represented the patron deity of each ruling tribe, and forced the city to convert to his faith. 

 *However, he kept the patron deities of his own tribe: The crescent moon and star are evidence of his pagan tribe’s roots.


                The Arabian Peninsula was divided primarily between two major tribes: one allied with the Sassanid Persian Empire, the other with Byzantium.  When Muhammad died he left a power vacuum for his unified Muslim state.  Most of the people choose to follow the man with the army at his back, Bakr.  A stout minority believed that Muhammad’s successor should remain in the Prophet’s bloodline.  The two sides could not reach an agreement and broke off into separate branches of the same faith.  Muhammad’s bloodline called themselves Shi’a.  The followers of Abu Bakr were called Sunni. 

*Though I’ve studied the Koran and Islam from a western perspective, I do not possess the knowledge necessary to go in depth into this faith and its divisions.  My knowledge is in Christian/Western History, thus I’ll focus on what I know.

                Bakr embarked on a massive campaign of conquest.  All of the Arabian Peninsula had fallen under his control, and after a period of brief civil war, he set his sights on Byzantium.  Byzantium was eventually pushed further west.  The Armies of Islam conquered the Sassanid Empire, pushing further and further east.  Byzantine territories continued to fall to this new and powerful threat to Christendom.  Egypt, North Africa, and Spain fell into Muslim hands, but the seemingly unstoppable horde of invaders were crushed in one decisive blow by forces under the command of the Frankish (Merovingian) King, Charles the Hammer (or he at least was given credit for the victory). The Byzantine Empire was able to resist enough to buy the invading armies off for a time but would later suffer a disastrous defeat and be forced to call on the Pope for aid in what would, to the Emperor’s chagrin, result in the First Crusade. 

                Another famous Muslim conqueror was Timerlane, a Muslim convert thought to be a descendant of Genghis Khan.  He mercilessly conquered much of the East, including the majority of central Asia. The West was dominated by the Ottoman Empire, which destroyed the Orthodox Christian Roman Empire, renamed and occupied its land.  The Ottomans enjoyed a massive, though hardly unified, dominion for some 400 years and remained a major world power until their defeated in the First World War.


                Islam today is fascinating and diverse.  All major branches of Islam share the same core belief: Christians and Jews were corrupted and deceived by false doctrine, Muhammad was the last of the Prophets that God commissioned to restore the True faith.  Differences exist primarily in the practice of the Law, which was composed some 400 years after Muhammad the supposed author’s death, and the method of evangelism.  The Koran doesn’t read at all like Jewish or Christian scripture, but rather like an addendum and sort of commentary to it.  It more closely resembles Judaism than Christianity, as it focuses almost exclusively on submission to the law, as well as the writings of Muhammad. 

                In Islam, God is virtually unreachable and a personal relationship with the divine is not possible in this life.  The afterlife is attainable for all those that lead a righteous life, believe in one God (no trinity) and his Prophet Muhammad.  Sinners may yet be saved by sacrificing themselves- those that die fighting for Allah are promised eternal life, regardless of past sins.  The Hadith and other sacred writings define Muslim society.  It is impossible to separate government from Islam; Allah calls for a theocratic government, represented by a righteous Caliph.  (*similar to Judges in the Old Testament) Islam is a rigid faith. Though some interpretation is permitted, extreme punishments are doled out to anyone that breaks the law, as it is seen not simply as a civil infraction, but a crime against God.  While non-Muslims may fall prey to persecution and/or slavery, most Muslim countries are dependent on western economies, their strict moral code and enforcement allow them to claim some of the safest cities (for men) in the world. 

Western dominated Muslim nations have a comparatively pure society.  Expectations are strict but straightforward. The people are not easily “corrupted,” though easily bribed. (Bribery is not considered corruption in most of the world… go figure…)  Speaking of straightforward, homosexuality is universally condemned (accept for Man-love Thursdays in Afghanistan), as is anything that might promote sin.  Violators may be beaten or killed on the spot.  Punishments vary according to the culture. Islam is so diverse it cannot be adequately described in this post.    Those that practice Islam may be of any race and conviction. A Muslim woman may be beaten for walking ahead of her husband in Pakistan, or she may be curator of the Museum in Cairo.  If a Muslim woman lives in a liberal Islamic nation or a non-Islamic nation, she may choose to be fully covered or only cover her head.  A Muslim man may dress as he pleases but will typically choose to dress conservatively

      As mentioned in the preface, Islam is a living window in time.  Much of the world that is dominated by Islam remains undeveloped and largely illiterate tribal societies.  Islamic nations may have semi-secular governments and elected officials but they are still largely dependent on powerful tribal warlords, elders or both for security and judicial maters.  Islamic states have very low crime rates amongst Muslim citizens, as punishment is swift and harsh.  Typically, Non-Muslim citizens are not privy to the protection of Islamic law and must pay a tax in order to enjoy similar rights to "the Faithful".  Despite the ever-increasing religious violence, Islam remains the second largest religion and is the second fastest growing religion in the world.  However, due to the goal of a world Caliphate, diversity of Muslim cultures, and the debate over the true successor of Muhammad, Islam will never be a unified or peaceful religion.

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